Primary One Reading
This week I want you again to think about some of your favourite stories and add them to Twitter. Maybe you could even add a video of you reading some of your book ( parents remember no names of children if photograph or video is added.) Use @ReadSPS when you add your favourite book or any activities you do related to these stories. You may inspire other children to read your favourite book too.
I am going to read to you one of my favourite stories, I hope you enjoy it.
Maybe you could retell the story in your own words. I’ve started to draw some pictures of the characters in the book and I’m going to put these onto sticks. I’ll then use these puppets to retell the story, can you do this too?
Can you think about our Emotion Works, orange cog too. How do you think the platypus was feeling , when each animal said, this zoo is not for you, how many different emotion words can you think of? How were the animals feeling too when they realised they hadn’t been very nice to platypus?
Remember to keep practising keywords and letter sounds. Use these sounds to make lots of words, remember the vowel sounds- ai, oa and igh in some of your words too, not just- a,e,i,o,u. More activities for phonics and common word recognition have been added to Education City.
I have also added some suggestions for reading books for next week, remember you will find these on Oxford Owl ebooks.