p2c Home Learing
Good Morning Primary 2c.
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. I am missing you more and more as time goes on. I hope you are all getting on well at home and managing to keep safe.
As always your continued hard work at home has made me so proud, I have loved seeing some of the work you have managed to complete, please keep sending this to me either through the blog or pictures on twitter. I have heard lots of children have even managed to do a bit more, one was able to create their own nail bar – very well priced as well. I have loved seeing and hearing about all your creations.
This weeks home learning grid is attached at the bottom of the page. I have also assigned new reading books on active learn, this is a new system we have been given access too. Please let me know how the children get on with these. There will be sumdog challenges and new education city tasks set throughout the week. Well done to you all, you really do continue to blow my socks off!
Miss Butler