Maths is Everywhere!!
In these unusual days we have faced it may be worrying that your child is not learning about numeracy and maths but please be assured that maths is everywhere. Maths is in the time that you wake up and go to bed, the number of stairs you climb, the shape and colour of the sun, moon and stars, the pattern on your socks and the money in your piggy bank. It is in the cakes you measured ingredients for, baked and then divided into equal parts. Maths is the symmetry in a butterfly, sorting your toys and jumping up and down and spinning around. It is in the number rhymes you sing, the games you play and the in the bedtime books you read. Your child is learning through everyday day routines and play. Help their curious minds by asking questions. Turn the what?, why?, how? questions back on them. Let their little minds explore, experiment and have fun learning.
We will soon be posting some fun numeracy and maths activities you can do at home if your child chooses.
Here are some useful links to numeracy and maths websites: