P1 Health & Wellbeing - Celebrating You
Looking after yourself is really important at a time like this. To keep yourself healthy you should try to eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water. It is also beneficial to follow a routine which includes daily exercise and plenty of rest.
Exercise can help to improve your mood and if you exercise regularly, it can reduce your stress levels and symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Try out some of these links to help your well being and just to have fun;
- Cosmic Kids – A great website full of videos that make Yoga fun for everyone.
- Go Noodle – Gets children up and moving to fun, engaging content and games. It allows children to wake up their bodies as well as engaging their minds.
- Joe Wicks Daily PE Lesson – The famous exercise guru Joe Wicks is running a live PE lesson every week day at 9am from his YouTube channel. This could be a good way for the whole family to start the day.
We are all experiencing a variety of emotions at this time and our self-esteem may need a little boost. Self-esteem helps children cope with mistakes and build their resilience. It helps them try again, even if they fail at first. As a result, self-esteem will help them do better at school, at home, and with friends. Children with low self-esteem feel unsure of themselves, so improving self-esteem, improves confidence.
Your task is to make a collage ‘all about me’. A collage is a form of art where various pictures are arranged and glued to paper.
Write your name in the middle of your paper.
- Look through magazines, newspapers and any things that are no longer needed.
- Cut out pictures that represent you. E.g. Favourite colour, food, style, sports, toys, pets, music, what you want to be when you grow up, hobby and other things you like.
4. Glue your pictures around your name.
- You may want to draw some pictures and add some labels using your neatest handwriting or cut out letters.
Share your collage with someone at home and also your teacher on Twitter or the blog. It might be nice if an adult shows you some of your classmates collages if they spot any on Twitter.
Join in with Naomi Wilkinson by clicking this link. This is a song and dance routine which looks at the importance of self-belief and certainly will make you feel great.
Chat to someone in your house about what makes you special. What are you good at? Why are you great?
The P1 teachers know that you are great and can’t wait to see your collages.