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Calling all Preschoolers

Today is the beginning of our very important transition project to primary one. Nursery staff and primary one teachers have been working really hard to plan our next steps for transitition.

Please look out on the blog for updates of our transitition plans and how you can get your child involved at home. We understand that the global situation right now may cause changes to our plans but as a nursery and school we will do our best to support our families throughout this challenging time.

Our first step is to find out any questions your child may have about starting primary one and moving up into the school. We understand this can be a confusing time for some of our children and we want to involve and support everyone the best we can.

Our current primary 6 children are very kindly going to support our future primary ones by answering any of their questions regarding the school as they are our Simpson Experts!

Please direct any of your child’s questions regarding transititioning to primary one to :

We will then collate these questions and ask our current primary 6s to answer them, feeding back the answers to our families.

Please look out for more transitition updates soon.

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