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P3 Week 8 Home Learning Activities

Good morning P3. We hope that you are well, and that you enjoy your Monday holiday. This week’s grid and activities can be found below. As in past weeks, the timetable is only a guide, so dip in and out when you can. There are still online activities for you too. We always enjoy seeing your work, so please share if you can by commenting on this blog post or by tagging @missblyth1 and @MrsLDee on Twitter.

P3 Week 8 Home Learning Grid 09_06_2020

P3 Week 8 Literacy Activties wc 8 6 20

Maths blog post wb 8 6 20

P3 Week 8 Numeracy Activities Document wc 8 6 20

P3-Week-8-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 09_06_2020

P3 Other Curricular Areas wb 8 6 20 2


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