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I hope all the boys and girls in Primary One are keeping safe and well.  We are all really missing you.  We also really enjoy when you share your learning with us.

Well done to all the boys and girls in Primary One who have shared their memories with us. There is still time for more memories to be shared.

We haven’t had a new sound for a few weeks. I hope you’ve all managed to keep practicing your letter sounds and have tried some activities on Education City. Many of you were so good at the individual sounds but it is easy to forget them. The sounds we learned just before you finished at school were- j, y and qu.

We had also learned a lot of single sounds made up of more than 1 letter, these are quite tricky.

Sounds we learned were – oo, ee, ai, sh, th, ch, oa, ing and igh.

Today I thought we would look at a new sound.

This sound is made from 2 letters.

Our new sound is oi (as in oi.)

Can you read these words with this sound.

Here are some sentences you can read which practise some of your sounds. After you have read the sentences you can cut up each strip and see if you can put them back in the correct order. You could stick them in your jotter and add a picture.

oi and igh sentences

This reading book on Oxford Owl also practises the “oi” sound.

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