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Please click the link below to access our P1 Phonics and Reading Workshop. We hope you find it useful. The link below allows access to our Parent Pack with supporting resources. 2021_09_27 P1 Phonics Workshop Parent Pack Here is an updated version of the actions for letter sounds. Colourful Consonants and Vowel House Action ... Continue reading P1 Phonics and Reading Workshop 2021 →
Good morning, Please click the links below to access the Meet the Teacher Sways for each year group this session. If you have any questions following the presentations, please get in touch. Nursery P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Transition Hub Week 5 Hello Everyone, Please click the link to Transition Hub 5 where the teachers have recorded a short welcome video for the children starting school. We can't wait to welcome all our children back into school tomorrow.
We would like to share with you some very special memories of the children that will be starting primary one after the summer holidays. A huge thank you to Miss Reilly for putting this compilation together.
Access our Transition Information by clicking on the Nursery to P1 Transition 2021 tab at the top of this page.
Please use the link below to access this week's assembly on Internet Safety Day. This assembly was presented live via Teams on Friday 12th February 2021. We hope you enjoy it and have a lovely extended weekend break.
Please have a look at our sway all about STEM. STEM This sway is going to provide you a little insight to STEM and give you some interesting ideas for activities that all the family can get involved in. Go to this Sway
Did you know in the world we have roughly 6,500 languages, some are used more frequently than others. English, Hindi, Spanish, French and Mandarin are in the top 12 most used languages in the world. So here is a fun activity for you to celebrate all these languages. Can you match the language that ... Continue reading Hola →
Did you know this week it is Scotland loves language week? In Simpson Nursery we are lucky to experience lots of different languages with our families. So it's a great reason to celebrate different languages. We love to dance in nursery it's so much fun! So why not try Heads, shoulders, knees and toes in ... Continue reading Bonjour →
Please use the link below to access our assembly on Mental Health which was presented via Teams on Friday 29th January 2021.