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Online Resources

Hi everyone! Hope you’re getting on well. I just wanted to pop on to list a few extra resources which we’ve found that might be helpful!

BBC Bitesize have been posting daily lessons and challenges, like this maths challenge here:
There’s loads of variety of topics and activities on the website.

West Lothian have created a resource with weekly challenges to keep everyone inspired:

Topmarks have lots of games and resources that can be sorted by topic or  by level, including P3B’s favourite Hit The Button!

For reading, Oxford Owl has a fantastic free library of ebooks that can be sorted by age or by ORT stage. You need to make a free account to access the ebook library but it is completely free to access!

I have been posting daily challenges on my Twitter account @missblyth1 which everyone is welcome to access and try out too!

I hope this has been useful, and keep up the hard work everyone! We are so proud of everything you’ve been doing to keep your brains engaged and learning over the last few weeks!

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