P2A Home Learning Week 5
Hi P2A, I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. I am missing you all very much and I hope you are doing well.
Here is your home learning grid for week 5.
P2 Home Learning – Week 5
I have created Measurement, Spelling and Grammar assessments on Sumdog. For the Spelling assessments, set a is more challenging. Please have a go at these by Sunday. Don’t worry too much about the time limit, take your time and make sure to read the questions carefully. These are a great way to practice skills at home and for me to see how you are getting on.
Remember there are lots of useful websites to explore which you have all been provided logins for.
1. IDL is a great resource to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills. https://idlsgroup.com/
2. On Education City I have created folders under different topics. There are worksheets and online activities you can have a go at. https://www.educationcity.com/
3. Teach Your Monster to Read is a great resource to help with reading and phonics. https://teachyourmonstertoread.com/my_account
4. Sumdog focuses on developing Maths, Grammar and Spelling.
Remember to share your learning with me on Twitter @CetrangoloMiss
I understand this is a shorter school week so don’t worry about getting through all the activities. Remember just to do what you can as we are all still getting used to the current circumstances. Keep up the good work, you are all doing an amazing job! Take regular breaks and make sure to enjoy the sunshine.