Out and About
The sun has been shinning as we clean up our planet. Have you noticed the change in the outdoor environment near you? All the staff at Simpson Nursery have, and we want to share it with you! Miss Reilly and Mrs Aiken have been out taking pictures of things you might see on your daily walk. Why don’t you have a look and see if you can find any, you can take some pictures or draw your own picture of things you have seen!
Over the next little while we are going to set up challenges for you to do in the outdoors. This could be; exploring maths with counting or looking at shapes, looking at literacy with signs in your environment, or health and well-being with doing fun fitness challenges.
We can’t wait to see all your comments and pictures with the activities!
Remember you can post up your pictures on your online learner journal or comment on the blog post.
Here’s some websites to fun activities that you can look at for some idea’s.