Miss Blyth's Daily Challenge
It’s Wednesday! Lots of fun Fitness Fortnight activities to be trying today!
Today for my daily challenge I would like you to complete the sums below with either the +, -, x or ÷ symbols. You can double check them by completing the sums!
1) 50 ___ 10 = 5
2) 17 __ 2 = 34
3) 123 __ 16 = 107
4) 123 __ 16 = 139
Try creating a few of your own questions, too!
Additionally, @DYWWestLothian are running a competition for pupils to get involved in the Key Workers campaign.
The competition closes week beginning 1/6.
Pupils can take part in the following ways;
Activity 1 – Design your own key worker
Using our template, young people can design what a key worker in their area looks like. Remember to upload completed designs week commencing Monday 1st June 2020 and tag us @DYWWestLothian, @simpsonprimary and @missblyth1/@MissLDee
Activity 2 – Create your own key worker poem
We want to encourage young people to write their own key worker poem using our template. Remember to post completed poems on social media week commencing Monday 1st June 2020 and tag us @DYWWestLothian, @simpsonprimary and @missblyth1/@MissLDee