SCIENCE Primary 2/1
Good morning everyone. I hope you enjoyed your Fitness Fortnight. It certainly looked like you were having fun. It looks like a nice day today so try to get out and enjoy it! Have a lovely day!
Here is this week’s lesson.
02.06.20 PLANTS
These are the resources you will need.
This week we will be looking at the parts of a flower.
- Firstly, do you remember the parts of a plant? – roots, stem, leaves and flowers.
- Now we are going to look at the parts of the flower and the job they do.
- First, watch the PowerPoint “Fantastic Flowers.”
- Can you remember the parts of the flower?
- To remind you ;
- Now complete the activity sheet “Parts of a Flower.”
- Did you manage to do that?
- Now see if you can use the sheet “Putting Together a Flower” or you could make up your own sheet.
Next week we will be looking at how you plant melon seeds so if you could get a melon for next week that would be great. If you can’t get a melon, any fruit would do. We will be planting next week!