Primary 1 Numeracy
Hello everyone, we hope you are enjoying the nice weather and you are working hard with your home learning.
We are continuing to investigate and practise our number recognition, counting (forwards and backwards), addition and subtraction.
Some pupils are still reversing their numbers when writing them out. It is important to get the numbers 0-9 facing the correct direction.
Here is a short video link for right-handers to form numbers correctly. For left-handers, it suggests making a cut out of your left hand to draw round.
The focus is to get the numbers facing the correct way so it becomes instinctive, then to work on size.
For double digits, it is all about putting the digits in the correct order. From twenty onwards, it is highlighting how they say the number to get the right order: twenty…one, thirty…four etc. This lets them hear the corresponding first and second digit.
Addition and subtraction is all about building confidence with number bonds. Use counters in two different colours to highlight the number bonds. Do not worry if you do not have counters, any household object can be used, as long as there is an easily recognisable difference (apples and oranges, different coloured pencils, action figures etc.)
Start with all objects the same and write the corresponding equation.
Then replace one with the alternative and write the new equation underneath.
Continue doing this until you have replaced all of the original items with the alternatives.
If all the equations have been written out, ask if they notice any pattern with the sums (first column reducing, second column increasing). It is also important to point out that the inverse equations are different, even though they use the same numbers and have the same answer (5+1, 1+5). This is also a good opportunity to have instant sight recognition of amounts. Start with a lower number and build up the number bonds.
You can also turn this into an active game. Make two areas at opposite ends of a room/garden and write adding sums onto strips of cards. When you shout out a sum, the other person has to run and put the right amount of items in the correct area one at a time. When they have made the sum, they shout out the answer!
When adding larger numbers, remember to count on from the larger number. To begin with, always use an equation with the larger number first (e.g. 12 + 4). Use fingers if necessary to count on from the original number.
Alternatively, you can draw a number line and use that to count on. If you have a tape measure or a ruler which can also be used. Start at the specified number and do the right number of steps to get to the answer. Build up confidence. Start by adding small amounts, then larger numbers up to 10. If they are managing, see how they cope with bigger amounts- remember to extend that number line!
For subtraction, we are still focussing on removing amounts to achieve an answer. Continue to write out sums, and then score out/remove the amount you are taking away. This emphasises the reduction in the number, that that answer is less than the original amount.
Again, as the numbers get larger to take away, you may find a number line is easier to use. Mark off the start point and make single steps backwards to the answer. It is important to highlight that you place your finger on the starting number before you begin subtracting.
Below are some worksheets if you need some inspiration!
Enjoy maths!