P3 Drama - A (virtual) trip to the zoo
This week’s drama is based around the animals at Edinburgh Zoo. Have a look at the videos of some of the animals on the zoo’s website here
The page looks like this and each section contains a video you can watch.
After watching each video, pretend to be that animal. When pretending to be the animals think about
- How they move. Do they move on 2 or 4 feet? Or fly? Or swim? Or climb?
- What their faces look like.
- What noises they make?
- Anything else interesting they do.
Other activities
- watch the live webcams to see what the animals are up to! https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/panda-cam/
- Study the map of the zoo. Can you find the toilets? Where would you go if you were hurt? What animals would you visit? Where would you park the car?
- Can you make your own map of your local area? You could include places like your home, school, Granny/Grandad’s house or tesco.
As always I would love to see picture of your drama. Tag me on twitter cara_aikman (remember not to include your child’s name).