Final Week of P3!
Hello P3!
We can’t believe that we have reached the final week of Primary 3! Miss McGregor, Miss Blyth and Mrs Dunsmore would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work and determination this year and we wish you all the best for Primary 4!
Here is the Final Home Learning Grid of P3 linked below along with the resources
I have organised a virtual trip for everyone in P3. There is a Powerpoint and a matching booklet that you can work through at your leisure. Have fun!!
P.S Look out for a post later in the week giving you some ideas of things you could do during the Summer Holidays.
P3 Week 10 Home Learning Grid Final Week
P3 Week 10 Literacy Activties wc 22 6 20
P3-Week-10-RME-Science-Social-Science-and-French 22_06_2020